February 17, 2011

My Love Bugs

You will all have to pardon my horrible picture taking skills. But I thought you might like to see my valentines. Aren't matching jammies so fun? The boys say "Super Love Bug" and the girls just say "Love". They have had so much fun with these, I think we might have to make this a Morgan Family tradition.
My #1 valentine and I celebrated simply and quietly. I had all sorts of plans in my head for this year, but unfortunately the only one that happened was a Valentine's "kickoff" breakfast the week before, (because who wants to get valentine jammies the day of....better to enjoy them longer, I say!) involving pink crepes and raspberries with pink whipped cream. Oh wait, the kids and I did also make some rice krispy treats with valentine candy in them. But no valentines made to mail or anything. Sorry grandparents. We got sick. And life fell apart from there.

Anyway, as I was saying, my love and I spent the evening as we spend most. Cuddled up on the couch watching netflix after we put the love bugs to bed. We did add a special treat of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream into the mix. And you know what? It was perfect. While I enjoy flowers, chocolates and fancy dates as much as the next girl, it was comforting to see that "same old, same old" feels so good. And to know that I couldn't have enjoyed myself more. All that mattered was us. Now that's love.


Unknown said...

I have to admit, I prefer my date nights exactly how you said you spent yours. Valentine's day is good and fun, but I would rather show and be shown love through out the entire year than on just one day. It sounds like it is that way at your house too.

Your kids are growing so big!!! Love, love, love the jammies. Do they make them in my size too?

Ashlee said...

Look at those cheesy boys! And Claire is looking so big! I can only picture her as she was when I met her in Utah. Wow!

I love the same ol' same ol' stuff too. I know a lot of people get un-comfortable with being comfortable- but I'm with you. It's nice to just be together without the bells and whistles.

Also, that breakfast sounds fantastic. I wanted to do strawberry stuffed crepes but Jack and school and time got in the way of that plan. The next time V Day is on the weekend though I'll give it a go. I've never made crepes before so it'll be an adventure.