December 10, 2010

Family Pics 2010

Do you ever get sick of me saying that I have the cutest kids ever? Well, it 'aint gonna stop, (I can talk like that because I live in the Basin) and I think you can see why. We recently had another session with the lovely and talented Melinda Smith and these are the overwhelmingly beautiful results. Moms, I tried to post mostly color photos for you since I know you don't dig the b/w like I do.

Do you think I'm awful for LOVING this one of Princess P? It cracks me up!


Knowing how big of a Daddy's girl the Princess is, this one ought to melt everyone's heart.

I'm absolutely in love with this one. It's going on my desk. On, around, near, I don't care but I want to see him look at me that way every day.

And of course the smoocheroo is going to have to go in our room. ;)

I know that the blog is SCREAMING for a long overdue update. It's coming. In my defense, my computer should be retired to the Uintah Basin Care Center. I like to refer to it as, "the snail." It sucks the fun right out of blogging. But, it is the window to our world, so I'll get on that soon! Happy Friday!


Mindy said...

I love Princess P's face in that one too! You can't not smile when you look at it... she has the cutest sad face ever!

I loved your session. :) Let me know if you need any of the b&w color, and vice versa.

Ashlee said...

Oh Katie! These turned out SO WELL!!! I think my favorites are the one of you and your girls- SO CUTE! and the one of P Doodle and A (I forget his code name) standing there all dapper with their hands in their pockets. How adorable is that?!? The shots of you and Brandon are VERY nice too. I love that you all got gussied up for the shoot. They look so nice!

Ashlee said...

Oh! And Cute haircut by the way!

Ashlee said...

Your boys have such strikingly blue eyes!!! Did she enhance those?!?

Ashlee said...

And you girls and all of your matching pinky accessories! Can you tell I keep coming back to look?!?

Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

Love those! Such a cute family. I love pictures with my girls pouty faces too, so cute.

Rach Romney said...

Katie, I love all your pictures! You have such a beautiful family!!

Anonymous said...

i love p doodles face in the first 3 so cute

Anonymous said...

Katie I love these!!!!! They are perfect and I absolutely love your hair.. I've been meaning to tell you that!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

Kate those ar ereally really cute, Love them, I love the little girls dresses. Your hair looks very full and valumpcious.. :-) Great family pics

Cal and Whit said...

Oh, Katie! (ha I just realized that I started that just like Ash, and I'm going to keep it that way :))

You look gorgeous!! Your little family is beautiful! I love the one of Princess P too! Your kiddos are darling and these pics are just so sweet! I loved them!

Cal and Whit said...

oh, and i LOVE your hair!!!!