September 21, 2010

Living Life

You will have to pardon my lack of posting lately. As I said to a good friend the other day, sometimes I have to choose between living life and blogging about it. The way my mind is these days, I probably won't remember a lot of it later, but by george I sure am having fun, and I will remember that!

Here's a taste of what we've been up to.

P Doodle is reading. Yeah, you read that right. My four year old can read. Thanks to the aforementioned BFF. She recommended the book to us, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. And I pass that recommendation on to anyone else who bothers to read this blog and might be interested. It's a miracle working book, and it's so easy. Each lesson takes about 7 minutes, they're simple, completely scripted for you and they work! Let me give you an example of what P Doodle read to me in his last lesson: "See that little shack. Sand is in the shack. We will run in the sand." little genius. Growing up. Oh, and in case I haven't bragged him up enough, he can also answer questions about what he's read. That's called reading comprehension yall! By the way, this has totally reaffirmed my desire to homeschool, and has boosted my confidence that yes I can!
Babycakes has moved into big-boy-hood by going on the potty. (Insert choir of angels singing here.) Can I just tell you that two in diapers is so much better than three?! And the little genius did it himself. I've tried a few times to get him to do it and received a flat refusal each time. Now, given my current circumstances, I was not willing to make a struggle of it. I do not have the personality it takes to be on top of "training him" to go every hour or so and forcing him to do it. I also didn't want a whole bunch of accidents and frustrations, so I let it go. I figured for now it was just as easy to change an extra bum than to be constantly cleaning my already disgusting carpets. He did show some interest a couple of weeks ago, so we made the special trip to Wal-mart to pick out a potty seat and some special undies, but the interest was fleeting. I let it go again. Then all of a sudden last Friday as I was washing breakfast dishes I heard him quietly say in the living room, "I need to go potty!" in a surprised tone. So of course I rushed in and said, "Yay! Let's go do it!" and he went; then put on his new undies and we've never turned back. He even kept them clean and dry all the way through Stake Conference only two days later, and again yesterday for a trip to Roosevelt, (a half hour drive from our home) to take Little Bear to the doctor. Note: although I was prepared with extra shorts and undies, I was unprepared for the surprise episode of carsickness and he went into the doctors' office bare-chested after barfing all over his shirt, (the smart little guy also caught a lot of it in his hat.....too much info?). What are ya gonna do? I think that a bare-chested kid is nothing compared to the shock of the troop of us all coming in the doors anyway. ;)
This sweet pic is of Babycakes with his Lightning Mcqueen car that we let him pick out as a special treat for easing my sanity just a bit.

Princess P......what is there to say about that little ball of fire? She rocks our world. She's still a midget, but rules the whole household. She is almost never punished and when she is, it isn't without a whole bunch of laughing at how cute she was even while being naughty. She jabbers all the time; most of it is baby talk, (although she does have about 15 clear words she uses consistently) but every once in a while I swear she up and surprises us all by saying something like "brothers" or "computer". Genius. I'm sensing a running theme in our family! She still sucks her two middle fingers, and doesn't let her "B" out of her sight. (Her blanket.)

Little Bear is growing and changing so fast! She loves her tummy time as you can see, and can even roll from her tummy to her back. Genius!! Her most recent visit to the doc brought in these stats: weight 10 lbs. 13 oz., length 21.25 inches. Give them a year, year and a half tops and these two girls will be wearing the same clothes. Little Bear has also started giving us social smiles and melts all our hearts. Her brothers especially love to hold her. Princess P likes to bring her toys and make sure that she is never touching the precious "B".

Are you all envious of me yet? You should be. I have the cutest kids ever.


Mindy said...

Yes, I'm envious. :) I love your cute little ones, and I miss mine being cute and little. Now they're big. And not so cute. ;) But I do love 'em, more than anything!

Ashlee said...

I'm so glad things have worked out so well with P Doodle and that book. And YAY for Baby Cakes and the potty! That's huge! I'm with you... fighting is not worth it. It'll happen when they are ready. Princess P and C Bear are cute as ever too.

I have been loving our emails again btw. I'll write back to you soon, but probably not today. I may call you actually :)

Montserrat said...

I LOVE "100 easy lessons!" I've taught four of my children to read with it and won't ever use anything else.

Just wanted to let you know you won one of the giveaways on my blog last week. It's a $15 gift certificate to the etsy shop (who is on vacation right now but will be back next week)

Please send me an e-mail at chocolateonmycranium{at}live{dot}com so I can send your info on. Thanks and congrats!

Anonymous said...

You have the cutest kids ever Katie!! Wow that is great the P Doodle can read already!! You know that's because he has such a great mommy!!!!(and he's a little genius)