July 29, 2010

Claire Bear

Claire Morgan arrived Friday, July 16, 2010 at 4:56 pm. She weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/4 inches long. The delivery went smoothly; no problems for mom or baby. I feel so blessed to have such good pregnancy and delivery experiences. It makes it all that much sweeter when I finally get to hold that precious new baby in my arms.
As you can see, she fits our mold. We still can't decide who she looks most like, other than to note that she is surely one of ours. When she was first born, we thought she looked quite a bit like Andrew did newborn, then a day later we thought she looked more like Paige. She continues to grow and change every day. I'm amazed how quickly that "newborn" look wears off.

Of course everyone loves her! It was so fun to bring her home to her siblings. When we arrived they all ran out to meet her. I was so worried that Princess P would be jealous, but it hasn't been an issue at all. When the kids first ran out, she was pushing past everyone to get to the baby and check her out.

P Doodle and Babycakes of course are the best big brothers and are so sweet with her. It was fun to watch Babycakes realize that "Baby Claire" is indeed a real baby and not a soccer ball in my belly.

When we got in the house, the brothers got a turn to hold the baby and the whole time this big sister was whining for a turn. She sat and patted her head saying, "Bay-bee" over and over.

See how much she loves her? We've got nothing to worry about here. Except maybe a little "tough love".
How are we doing two weeks later? It's life as usual around here. Claire is the perfect baby. She never cries unless she needs a diaper change, and she only gets up once or twice a night. To be honest, four isn't any more crazy than three. Just more to love. I can deal with that.


Paige said...

Congrats! Congrats! One day I'll have to meet your Paige and our Claire's will have to play. I'm glad the adjustment hasn't been to crazy!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I am so very excited for you and your little family. I love little girls!

Josh and Kristen said...

She is so precious. I am glad that things are going well for you!!!

Hannah said...

congrats, Katie! She's adorable! Looking forward to our #4 in 9 more weeks.

Cal and Whit said...

Oh Katie, she is beautiful! I am so glad that things went to well!! What a loved little girl. I love the pic of the kids outside looking at her in her carseat and the one of her and Princess P on your lap! They are darling! What sweet, blessed, little babies you have! Congrats again, and Happy Birthday to sweet little Claire!

Emily Dawn said...

She is beautiful!