March 11, 2010

I'm in a Funk....

So I'm sure you've noticed, I've been in a blogging funk lately. It always happens when I don't have a way to post any pictures. I feel lost if I don't have pictures.....ESPECIALLY for posts about the kids, and really, what's better to post about than them?

But, I thought I'd do a little catch-up post today so I can at least tell you how cute my kids are even if I can't show you.

Let's start with the Princess. Ladies first! We took her to the doctor at ten months, (Whoops! A month late!) and she had gained 3 whole pounds, bringing her up to a grand total of 14 pounds. She has finally in the last week graduated to wearing six month sized clothes, and looks super cute in pigtails. See why I'm lost without pictures???? Insert cute photo here.... Anyway, it's totally hilarious that she's so small, because she out-eats either of her brothers. She'll eat anything, really. And I'm struggling with the thought of her turning 1 next month. It's killing me. Has a whole year really gone by? And, she's still almost walking. She'll do it when she decides she can, I guess.

Babycakes has decided to give being a two year old a good go of it. He doesn't eat anything besides breakfast anymore unless it involves peanut butter, jelly, or something else really spectacular. Most of the time he toddles over to the dinner table, takes a peek, turns up his nose and walks away. This is not normal for him, but P Doodle did the same thing and magically grew out of it when he hit three, so I'm hoping it's just a phase for him as well. But to be fair, he is the cutest darn two year old ever. He's finally found his voice, (although we don't always understand it) and jabbers all the time. He also sings quite sweetly. He sings, "Let's Go Fly a Kite", (my personal fave) a little blurb from Little Einsteins, the "Kite Parade" and "Mr. I'll make a man out of you....." from Mulan. Just that line. I love this boy.

P Doodle is getting too big, way too fast for me. I know I always say that...... Remember from my last post how we told P Doodle about his "special lady" that he will have someday? He's been thinking about her a lot lately, and it's so cute. He was looking at my ring one day and when I told him I couldn't take it off because it says I'm Daddy's special lady, he asked if he could have it for his special lady someday. I told him that he would probably want to buy her one of her very own. So now he's taken to making a list of things to buy her. A ring, a big bed, ("just like yours mom!") and a house. Although he's not sure that he wants to live in the house....for now he's thinking they'll live with us. And for all this, he's said that she's going to buy him a tractor so they can grow real good food. And he'll give her a ride on it. Isn't that romantic? I know I think he'll be a pretty good catch someday. :)

Oh, and if you're wondering why I haven't given any news on Baby4's because we have none. Two ultrasounds so far, and no go. This baby is way too shy, which is odd for me because the other three have all been very not shy. I'm thinking I'll wait a bit before we try and peek again.

And......we've switched to cloth diapers and eating a vegetarian diet. Loving both. Do you think I'm weird yet? More to come later on those I'm sure........for now kisses from Vernal!


Amberlin Gefrom said...

not so much thinking weird but least about the vegetarian part...Katie it really isnt good for your body..even if you try to replace supplements. Your body needs natural red meat..I know maybe its sad for the animals but also its just kind of life...please eat meat!! I dont want you to die at 30!! seriously vegetarians live a lot shorter! and maybe you should not find out what your baby is??? a little surprise? haha kidding i am sure it would be so exciting to know.

katers said...

I really really appreciate your concern. I know it's meant with love. But I really have done a lot of research into this, and I haven't found anything that would lead me to believe I'm doing anything harmful to myself. If you have any research or evidence to the contrary I'd be happy to look at it.

It's not about the animals. Really, other than that I believe the vast majority of meat products, (red and otherwise) being sold to Americans today is doing us more harm than good.

I promise we're being careful and making sure we get what we need.

Love and kisses!

Brit said...

Katie- first of all... no meat? I'm really only worried about one thing...what you will eat when we go to Costa Vida lol? I am DYING to know what you are having! Must be a shy little girl:) I need to call you so we can chat! I've been way busy but I will definitely call this week! Your kiddos are so cute. I think all of Parkers "special Lady" thoughts are precious. Maybe he can sing to her "she thinks my tractor's sexy" (Kenny Chesney song?) lol.

katers said...

No worries! I'll get the same thing I've ALWAYS gotten...a burrito with no meat! This veggie thing wasn't a stretch for me, because I've never really liked meat anyway. :)

I'm glad you're doing so well.....I've been thinking about you a lot lately! Call when you can. I understand being busy. :)