February 2, 2010

Growing Up and Helping Out

P Doodle has turned into such a big boy. It's crazy how fast it happens. One day I'm teaching him how to put his own clothes on, and it seems like I'm going to have to dress him until he's ten; then snap! Two days later, not only can he do it on his own, but he refuses help. I'm thrilled to see his newfound independence, but at the same time, my heart has a little teeny twinge of sadness that he's growing up so fast.

So, getting dressed has become his "job" every day. His other "jobs" include putting dirty clothes in the laundry basket, (which he happily does even for Babycakes and Princess P) helping to clear the table, and unloading the dishwasher. It's funny to see how excited he is to have some responsibility. He is so serious about unloading the dishwasher, and is so proud to do it alone. He even seems to feel lucky if he gets to do it more than once a day. Let's hope that keeps up! I'm hoping, (cross my fingers) that the excitement will last long enough that when it's gone, doing chores and helping out is just what we do, not something to complain about. Although, I really don't see this kid turning into a complainer. He's a hard worker.

P Doodle has also been saying his own prayers. It's so cute. He always makes sure to be thankful for his brother and sister, and the baby. It's really hard not to laugh sometimes though. Here are a few of my favorite prayers recently:
  • "...please bless Grandma and Poppy and Grandma and Grandpa Morgan that they can drive safe to my house..." (hint, hint)
  • ".....thank you for ducktales...."
  • "....please bless that the biters won't get me..."
  • "...thankful to vacuum, and be nice, and not bite...."
  • "....please bless me not to make messes, and the toys not to go to D.I....."
Another funny thing that happened recently; P Doodle has a terrified fascination with bears right now, (I won't go into why) and has been talking a lot about shooting them, and Daddy shooting them. I decided to have a chat with him about how Heavenly Father created the bears, and he loves the bears. Also, that we shouldn't go out and shoot bears for no reason because that would make Heavenly Father sad. That seemed to go over pretty well until he watched The Fox and the Hound recently. Remember the bear at the end that attacks the Chief? Well, it's animated in a bit of a scary way, and P Doodle took one look at it and said, "Mom, Heavenly Father doesn't love that bear."

And, one more funny story. Last night P Doodle got a bit sassy with me and Brandon stepped in and said, "Don't you talk like that to my wife." P Doodle replied that I was his wife. We told him that when he grows up he can find a special lady of his own and she will be his wife. Then Brandon went on to tell him that when he's big and has a wife that he can have kids and be a Daddy.....and that when he is a Daddy, Brandon will be really old and be a grandpa. P Doodle kind of gave him a funny look for that one, and so Brandon explained, "You know how Poppy is Mommy's daddy? When you grow up and have kids, since I'm your Daddy, I will be a grandpa." P Doodle thought about that one for a minute and then with all the seriousness in the world told his Daddy, "You can't be a grandpa until you have a truck."


Unknown said...

Heck ya, you can't be a grandpa until you get a truck. I totally agree with him on that one!
I love when kids say their own prayers. Addison the other day was closing her prayer and said "in the name of Baby Christ, Amen." I was laughing so hard! Kids sure are cute!

Brit said...

I loved that he prayed his toys wouldn't go to DI and also said that Grandpas have to have trucks. So funny!