January 4, 2010


Are any of you reading Apron Girls yet? If not, you should be. I think this is only the third or fourth time I've linked you there. This time I'm loving their New Year's resolutions. I like the idea of the theme. So here I go copycatting.

My theme for 2010 is
Strength. I have more demands on my time and energy than ever before. I could sure use an extra dose of it. Looking back, I think that I tend to focus too much on my own weaknesses. I flounder in insecurity and disappointment, waiting for someone else, (usually Brandon) to come along to the rescue. This year I'm going to put on my big girl panties and take care of business. And rely on the Lord for what I lack. I'm going to put Ether 12:27 to the test.
"And if men come unto me, I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
Here's how I'm breaking it down into manageable goals:
  • Spiritual strength - No missed days of scripture study and personal prayer. Also, no missed weeks of Family Home Evening. The blessings that come from these are needed too much to be apathetic about it.
  • Physical strength - Exercise a minimum of three times per week. Also less sugar. Sugar is evil. The end.
  • Emotional strength - Really, I've no idea how to work on this one here; I'm kind of hoping that it will fall into place as I work on my other goals.
  • Mental strength - Read more informative works. Reading for entertainment is easy for me and I get lost in it. So, this year I want to try and read things that stretch me a little more, teach me something, and really make me use my brain or improve a skill. I'm not sure how to realize this goal yet.......maybe one non-fiction work per month?
I'm thinking that these goals will be the most effective in really improving me as a person, helping me to be happier, and serve my family better this year. Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Those are some really good goals! Keep us posted on how you do!

Ashlee said...

You just said "put on my big girl panties."


I love ya!

Emily Ringel said...

First, were you here for the Relief Society lesson when Darla told us to put on our big girl panites and just do it? Love it! And second, have I ever mentioned that I want to copy everything you do. (I swear we're always thinking similarly!) I've thought about things I would like to change in my life but hadn't written anything down but if I had it would have been exactly what you said but far less eloquent. So I think I'll just print that off to have something tangible to remind me. So thanks ... a lot!!