November 24, 2009

It May Be a Bit Silly....

Today I am grateful for: my thumbs!

It may sound a little silly, but really, I had no idea how much I use my thumbs until I recently lost the use of one. I have no idea how it happened, but my left thumb is either seriously bruised or sprained. To use it at all is quite painful, so I've been trying not to. It's been surprising to note all the little things that are suddenly harder without a thumb. Opening a package of cereal, (gasp! I actually bought a box of cereal this week!) was impossible; changing Babycake's diaper, a circus......oh wait, that one always is.

Anyway, while I know that this is only temporary, I'm thankful for the reminder of how useful those two digits are, and I'm grateful to have them.

Catching up for missed days - I'm also thankful for:
  • Corn tortillas. Who knew they were so good? I thought I seriously disliked them, until my neighbors from Mexico got me hooked. And the don't need silverware when you eat with them!
  • I'm thankful that my kids love each other and have so much fun together. For example, this morning Princess P crawled into the bathroom while the boys were having a tub, and stood up to the edge to watch. They splashed all over her, and she thought it was hilarious. I thought about moving her out of the way, but she was laughing so hard, I let her be. By the time I cut off the fun, her pajamas were completely soaked through and her hair was plastered to her head. But she was laughing like crazy, and so were the boys.
  • The invention of the automobile. While my husband complains about the drive out to the Wasatch front, and always wishes that somebody would invent a teleport; I'm grateful that we have a car to zoom us there in just a few hours. Have you ever wondered what the pioneers would think of riding in a car? I've decided that they would be terrified of I-15. Heck, after living in an area where the max I ever drive is 35, for the last few years, I'm terrified of I-15!
  • Lazy pajama days. Even thought that usually means I'm doing laundry. ;)


Cal and Whit said...

I love reading your thankful posts! They remind me that the little things really do count. Also, I thought I commented on the post you did where Princess P is sleeping on the rug while you were doing dishes, but I guess I didn't...that is SO adorable!! I love it, and I think it is absolutely darling! She is getting big!

Ashlee said...

Hehe. Thumbs. Scrolling through my dashboard updates made me laugh when I read that. I love the story of you letting the boys soak Princess P. Some things in life really matter... like letting your children cultivate friendships with each other... others... like soaking wet pajamas don't. I'm glad you and I agree on these small points.