November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

A few weeks ago the boys made these cute paper pumpkins to gear up for Halloween. I found this fun site that posts a free craft every day......check back later for the link, it's saved in the favorites on Brandon's computer, not mine. They had tons of fun making these.

But of course, boys will be boys, and this is what they looked like about 15 minutes after we'd finished them and the boys started tossing them around like balls. But it was for fun, and it was about 15 cents worth of paper and pipe cleaners, so who cares?
Then of course, just before Halloween we carved pumpkins. Babycakes had no interest whatsoever until they were all done and he got to see them glow. P Doodle had a great time though. He liked "scoopin' the guts. Ewww!!"

Getting ready for the the way, trunk-or-treats are the greatest thing ever for little kids. It's fun, but we do it early, (5:00) so it's still warm, and it's all over and done with in about half an hour which is all our kids would last anyway.
Cute little scallywags, eh? I didn't put too much effort into the costumes this year, (obviously.....we just raided Grandma's pirate dress-ups) but I'm glad I didn't.....Babycakes didn't want to have any part of it, even though the boys have been playing with the dress-ups for a couple of weeks now. So, I made him snap the customary picture, and then let him take it off. I guess he's a Halloween scrooge like his Dad, (and like Mom is starting to it Christmas yet?).
When Babycakes didn't want in on the fun, Grandpa M. and Princess P took up the part. We're sure glad that Grandpa and Grandma M. could come and spend the holiday and celebrate Daddy's birthday with us! More on that later.....
I was just going to have Princess P wear the orange jammies as a Halloween outfit, but her impromptu costume turned out to be the cutest! By the case I haven't bragged her up enough, Princess P pulled herself up to a standing position on Halloween all by herself!!! She's growing up way too fast!
We hope you all had a happy and safe holiday!


Hannah said...

I am so glad to see that my boys are not the only ones that rip things up 5 minutes after making them.

Ashlee said...

You are such the cutest mommy. Loved the halloween pics... princess p especially, and I LOVED the home school ideas! I may use some of that for Alaster. Thank you for doing all the research on these things... from school to home made laundry soap... so that I can steal your findings!