September 29, 2009

A New Routine

We tried something today that I think may become the new "norm" at our house. Brandon wasn't going to be home for dinner, so I made "dinner" for lunch, (he's almost always home for lunch.....lucky us!) and I thought that the boys and I could just have something small later. I loved it! Rather than spending the morning cleaning the house only to mess it up again later making dinner, it's over and done with. And you know how dinner is....for a stay at home mom, it's one of the big to-do's of the day. One more crossed off, and now I have the afternoon to myself while the kids nap! Those of you who can't do this.....envy me. It feels so nice.

As a side note, remember that homemade laundry soap I was going to try? LOVE IT! It cleans every bit as good as the stuff I bought before, (Surf powder....I'm a cheapie) and it costs me..........are you ready for this? A PENNY PER LOAD! That is assuming that the borax powder and washing soda boxes really have four batches worth in them, but hey, even if I'm off by a bit, maybe it will be five cents. I can still live with that. And it was so easy to make. It took about fifteen minutes, but only about five of that was actively doing anything. So go ahead....try it. It will save you money, and it's kind of fun to say you make your own laundry soap. ;)

As a wrap up for the grocery challenge, I think that I'm going to stick with $75 a week for good. I've learned a lot this month and for the first time last night, I went to the grocery store and didn't stress at all. I bought diapers that I didn't need yet because they were on sale, I bought a few little extras, (like a night-light for Parker and a new drain plug for the bathtub) and I didn't stress over whether or not we really needed paper towel or could we make do without? And guess what? I got everything I needed and more and was $10 under budget. It was so nice. By the way, if any of you know how to, or know where I can find a tutorial for homemade yogurt, let me know! I'd love to try it. I hear it's super tasty and cheap.


Lisa said...

I used the recipe (more like "instructions" than a recipe) I found here:

You heat and then cool a half-gallon of milk, stir in 4 tablespoons of yogurt, and leave the mixture in a warm place (like a turned-off oven 20 minutes after you've removed the roast) overnight. In the morning, pour it into a sieve lined with a clean pillowcase to drain. (Save the whey, which you can use instead of water when you make bread or bagels.) After a few hours: yogurt.

Owlhaven said...

Yeah! I am so glad the month went so well for you!!!


Jenna said...

I posted about how I am going to make $75 my new weekly budget as well - thank you Mary!! And, coincidentally, I have been wanting to make yogurt for the first time too. I was planning on following this idea

Looks very simple. I have a friend who uses a heating pad in a shoe box!! I'll try the crockpot, thanks : ). Good luck!

Carrie said...

WooHoo...Love the things you posted! I also love the laundry soap, but really did not like being out and HAVING to grate the least favorite part of the process, so now I have a laundry prep day once a month and that is where I grate the soap...then, when I need it, it makes the process so easy...
I am loving that you are saying that you were able to get some extra things...and I love the dinner at is jsut harder to deal with everything at night...
Thanks for sharing!

Allie Z said...

I found your LinkUp on Mary's site. Good for you making $75 for your new weekly budget!!! Yay!!

As for yogurt??? :) I have some milk we won’t get to so I’m going to put the youtube recipe to the test. It’s a quicker recipe than the others. I included the other links though because they have good info (like why you add things at certain times, why boil the milk to 185, ways to thicken nonfat milk, etc). (who doesn’t love a video tutorial?!) :) (good for the overview but the recipes lack clarity!) (great recipe for a first time around) (interesting method in the crockpot, timing, etc)

I wasn't successful with the Crokpot365 recipe because I have a newer crock that runs too hot... Make sure to post how it goes!! :)

PS- Way to go with dinner for lunch! That sounds like such a treat!
