August 17, 2009

My Baby is a Genius

I know you're all going to roll your eyes when you read this, but my baby is a genius! Yeah, I know, I'm her mom; I'm supposed to say that. But she really is. Last night she purposefully rolled over to get to Parker's garbage truck. And then, she figured out how to lift the lid on the back up and down! After that, she rolled halfway across the living room in one go. And she's not quite 4 months old yet! Just had to brag about it. I kinda love her in case you can't tell!


Unknown said...

She is getting so big. What a beauty.......

Unknown said...

She has such a cute little smile! How can you not love her?

Ashlee said...

Oh! I think this is the first picture that she didn't look just like a baby you know? She's starting to have a real Morgan look to her... a lot like her brothers. Is that just me? I don't get to see her every day, but in this picture she looks so much like the boys! And Yay for Paige and her genius-ness :)

Brit said...

K she TOTALLY looks like a Morgan baby:) I love it! and yes, she is a genius haha. I don't care if I have to drive out to Vernal this Christmas, I must hold her!