April 7, 2009

Worn Out

Doesn't this shot say it all? We had a super fun weekend! Grandma and Grandpa Morgan came out for a visit over conference weekend. Unfortunately I didn't think to snap any shots while they were here, but we had a great time, mostly just hanging out. Then, on Monday, my Grandma Karpowitz and Aunt Karen came out to visit for the day, (again, I'm kicking myself for not getting out the camera) and we went to lunch and played in the backyard all afternoon. So much fun! We really appreciate everyone being willing to drive all the way out to see us. It makes us feel special. As you can see, all that fun over three days adds up. This is what happened while Parker was waiting for Mom to cook dinner Monday night. I love these moments!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

I love that little kids can fall asleep anywhere if they are tired enough. So cute. Did you get my e-mail by the way... I totally don't expect you to write back asap... I certainly took my time when it was my turn last. I just worry that I sent it to the wrong place or something. I hope you are feeling well. I am waiting on a few things before I know when I will be able to come and visit you but mark my words... IT WILL HAPPEN!!! I was missing you really bad last night. Hope you are happy and comfortable... as much as possible that is...