April 16, 2009

Easter...Yeah, We Missed That

So, Easter was a not-so-fun holiday for us this year. We spent the weekend sick! Parker started with the flu on Saturday night, I got it Sunday, Brandon stayed home from work to help me out with the kids on Monday, and then he had it on Tuesday. So, we didn't even color eggs until last night. The kids don't know any different right? Parker doesn't need a holiday to do something fun anyway. He got a kick out of coloring the eggs.
Th finished products! I have to say, it is a good thing Brandon married me to spice up his egg decorating. He was ready to dye them all one solid color and be done, but I broke out the crayons and made it a little more interesting for all, (although you can't really tell in this picture). Then Parker and I spent this morning hiding them for each other until they all got broken. It didn't last long, but we sure had fun!

We did manage to have some fun over the weekend before the sickness started. Grandpa Huber came over on Saturday morning with an Easter surprise for Brandon. A new chainsaw....so the boys had fun doing more manly work in the yard finishing with those trees we're getting rid of. This is Parker with the plastic blade cover sawing our bush. He thought it was as fun as the real thing! Probably more so, because he was afraid of the loud noise the actual chainsaw made.

Aren't my boys handsome?
Grandpa also brought us one more surprise.....baby ducks. The boys absolutely love them. Me...not so much. Remember that post about Ace? Well, we already sold him a couple of weeks ago, because I just couldn't handle potty training a dog on top of two toddlers and a baby on the way. Yes, yes, chalk another one up to the Morgan family impulsiveness. At least we don't have to do much for the ducks. And they are kind of cute. But what do we do with them? Drew can't leave them alone.
Anyway, that was our anti-climatic Easter! We didn't even get out the baskets. We had gotten the boys a little pool for the backyard and some toys to go with it for the summer, and Brandon just opened the toys for the boys and let them have at it in the tub while I tried to stay away and keep everyone else from getting sick. I have to say, the only thing worse than throwing up when you're 39 weeks pregnant is not being able to hug your kids all day long, and to hear them crying for mommy while you're hiding in the bedroom because they don't understand why they can't have a snuggle! It broke my heart!
To Grandma Morgan and Grandma Smith: Thanks so much for the cute Easter outfits.....unfortunately we don't have any pictures to show you, because we haven't worn them yet! As soon as we do, we'll get them posted!

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