March 26, 2009


We thought we better say thanks to Grandma and Poppy for the fun package we got in the mail today. The boys loved the jammies and treats, and Paige will be grateful for the clothes when she gets here. Parker was so excited he had to put jammies on right away, and Drew has been walking around rubbing his belly since we put them on. That usually means he likes them.

Parker was especially excited to pose for a picture to say thanks.
Just thought you might like to see how cute they looked!


Ashlee said...

Yay yay! You're back! Yay! I just wrote you an e-mail. I replied to your new gmail account. Thought the name of your new e-mail address was cute by the way. And cute boys!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

what cute little boys and yay I am excited for you and your future new girl!