March 25, 2009

Back in Action!

Hello blogging friends! Yes, it's official! We have the internet at home again, and I am back to the blog! Oh, I can't say how much I've missed it! I've become a horrible picture taker without having anything to do with them. So look forward to lots of fun updates to come....the most exciting being that Paige is due in just four weeks now! Oh I'm so excited that we'll be able to post pictures for all of our far away friends and family!

So just a quick update. What have we been up to? Brandon has become a busy bee. He's recently started back to school through the BYU online general studies program and is really excited about the classes he's taking. He also was recently called as the ward clerk. Pray for me....I have to make it through the sacrament by myself with two, (soon to be three) kids, while he sits on the stand taking meeting minutes before he can come sit with us. He has also become a superman around the house. He's always up to some new fix it project, (believe me, we have plenty of those!) and with the weather warming up he's been doing a lot around the yard. It's fun though, to have a home that we can really spend time making our own!

I've just been waiting for baby #3! Did I mention it's only about 4 weeks away. Someone asked me the other day if I was ready to be done, and my response was, no way!! It has absolutely flown by this time, and I'm not ready yet! I mean, yeah, I'm huge, and uncomfortable, and I'd like to hold my little angel, but things are crazy around here, and I haven't even begun to get her room ready yet. We have yet to get a crib mattress even! I guess that's the project for the coming weekends around the house.

Parker is also anxiously awaiting Paige's arrival. He pretty well gets what's going on. He's cute, he likes to talk to my belly and see her kick. He says he's going to help me change her and put her jammies on when she gets here, but he does NOT want her in his tubby. We'll see how he is once she's here. I think he's going to be hugely jealous. Thank goodness for good weather though! The boys can't get enough of being outside, and I love being able to send them out to the backyard and watch them out the window. Those two could dig in the dirt for hours!

Drew is still our silent little sweetheart. We've finally got him saying momma and dada more, and occasionally we can get ni night, and a few others, but other than that it's just smiles out of him. It's funny how different the two boys are already. They definitely have their own personalities.
Anyway....that's us in a whirlwind. More to come! This blog needs some updating badly, especially the pictures!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Yea!! I'm so glad you guys are back! Can't wait to see what's going on with you. Jealous about your girl, btw. I hope to get me one of those someday. :)