February 14, 2009

Boys Being Boys

I have to say, there is nothing cuter than my boys and their Daddy. It's amazing how Dad can come home from work when we're all going stir crazy in the house, get out a blanket, and create hours of fun. I guess he's just better at thinking like a little boy. Here are the boys hiding from Mom, playing peek-a-boo.

And then, of course they were having too much fun to stop and have dinner, so Dad made a fort, and we had PBJ while watching "Horton Hears a Who" (one of Parker's new faves).

As you can see, Parker fully enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, and table mannners were totally nonexistent, but hey, it was fun. We are so lucky to have such a fun Daddy who really makes it a point to set aside time for each one of us and make us feel special. We love you Brandon! Thanks for all you do for us sweetheart.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Katie, Thanks for all the updates. I love seeing a little glimpse into your life. Especially, beacuse it remeinds me SO much of my own! I am constantly amazed at how Kendall can come up with little games when he gets home that the boys would play for hours. Like you said, I just don't think like a little boy quite as well. Your Valentines look fun...and exhausting (familiar) and your birthday spent cooking meals and cleaning house sounds just about right. It really is a great life! Though, I wouldn't mind that weekend in Cali right now either. :)