October 22, 2008

A Visit From the Girls

We recently had a visit from my sister and her kids, and we had so much fun! We love cousins! While they were here, we went to the Jensen Pumpkin Festival, and the kids got to try out their Halloween costumes early. Lexi and Syd were cute kitties, Eva was a pooh-bear honey bee, Parker was "the cowboy in the west" (he means the best cowboy in the west when he says that) and Andrew is the puppy dog. They were definitely the cutest kids there.

Other than that, it was a lot of hanging out at our house and just playing. Let's face it, there's not much else going on in Vernal, although we did have a pretty exciting trip to the Wally World. But I think the kids like it best that way anyway. They did a lot of playing in the back yard. This is a picture of the kids in one of our apple trees, that Parker calls the "apple chair". He was a little reluctant to share that piece of paradise with the girls.

We had tons of fun. Parker was so excited to have a chance to play with his cousins and feel big, and Andrew and Eva had a pretty good time having someone their own size around. Thanks so much for coming girls! We love you! We're also looking forward to visiting my brother's fam in Phoenix this weekend, and I'm sure we'll have tons of fun there too!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

You have your very own apple trees! Yay!