October 22, 2008


So, the Morgan family has been on a low-sugar/whole wheat kick for quite some time now, in an effort to be more healthy. Don't let me fool you though, I'm not afraid of calories. I still cook with lots of butter, and if a recipe calls for milk, I use the boy's whole milk. But, we've tried to cut down on extra sugar, and when we eat carbs, it's the good kind. I can't even say how much this has helped Parker's appetite. Drew will eat anything, but Parker always wanted to skip meals and go right for the snacks. In an effort to kick the habit, we cut out sugar, and now Parker loves the good stuff! It's so great. But, here's my problem. It's so hard to find certain "healthier alternatives" at the regular grocery stores, and in Vernal, there isn't really anywhere else to go. Example: instead of regular jam with sugar in it, we buy fruit-juice sweetened jam. At Wal-Mart, I can only find it in teeny tiny jars that don't last us very long. Now, they have all sorts of "sugar-free" jams in big jars, but all that means is aspartame and I don't think that's much better for you than regular sugar. So, on our most recent trip to visit the fam, I hit the health food store hoping to find it. They had it too, but still only in teeny tiny jars, and it was more expensive than at Wal-Mart. Does anyone know where I can find a bigger jar, or at least a better price on a tiny one?


Hannah said...

No clue on the jelly. Sorry. BUT, I do have a great whole wheat pancakes and whole wheat pizza crust recipe if you are intersted. Let me know and I can email them to you.

katers said...

I have a good whole wheat pancakes, but for sure email me the pizza crust recipe! We love homemade pizza.