September 29, 2008


Sorry for the lack of posts, I can only get to a computer every so often, but we have big news. We bought a house! Yay! Unfortunately, I can't post pictures yet, but hopefully we'll be getting the internet soon and you can all see. It's so nice to have our own home sweet home. It's three bedrooms, two bathrooms and has a huge fenced yard that the boys can play in. The boys absolutely love it. Parker calls it the "big boy house", and Brandon and I are having fun doing projects to make it our own.
So if you're wondering, the boys still share a room, (I think they'd prefer it that way, they're so used to it) and the other bedroom is soon going to be filled by Baby Morgan #3!!! That's right! There's another one on the way! We feel so blessed and excited to be at a point in our lives where we can be settled and focused on what's important. FAMILY! And we're so thrilled to be adding to ours. I'm due April 20, and we'll know what the baby is around Thanksgiving. I've been feeling pretty good so far, (at least no throwing up) and feel lucky to be doing well enough to keep up with the boys. So in case you're wondering... the baby will be born in April, and yeah, that's right, Parker doesn't turn 3 until July. I think I'm in for it!! But it's the best kind of busy to be!! Hope this news finds you all well and happy! More updates to come soon, hopefully!


Hannah said...

OH Katie!! You have me beat by a bit...Sammy turned 3 in May and then Brigg was born in June. FUN and TIRING! I can't wait to find out what your having! CONGRATS on all the good news.

Ashlee said...

Yay Yay! A house AND another baby! Such good news all around! I really miss you friend! At least before when we didn't live close we could talk via the blogs. I hope you get the internet soon, but if you are ever in town PLEASE call so I can see you!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

Aww yeah kati that's awesome!! Congrats and about time you updated! :-)

Melinda said...

Yay! Congratulations! After only being a mom for a little over a month, I get even more excited for baby news. That's awesome!

Ashley said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you Katie. What fun changes!!

shea said...

Congrats Katie!! On both the house and the baby :) That's awesome! Make sure to post pics soon. Hopefully you do get the internet fast so we can see MORE POSTS!! I'm glad your still feeling well and I hope it keeps up!

Pokemon said...

Congrats!!! #3 on the way, how exciting! Yea for the house as well!


Chris and Susie said...

Katie, I am so happy for you guys. That is so exciting to be in your own house. Congratulations on baby #3 as well!