July 17, 2008

Parker's Happy 2 You!

My big boy is 2! I can't believe it. It goes by way too fast. His birthday was July 9. Here are the highlights from our celebration. We started out by going to the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo Parade. Lucky for us, it was on his birthday! Brandon thought it was pretty lame, (it only lasted about 15 min. and was mainly sponsors, and people like the rodeo queens and the grand marshall) and I guess compared to the Freedom Festival it was. But Parker thought it was awesome. It wasn't too long to sit in the heat, he got to see some horses, and fee-wee-wee's (four-wheelers) and a fire truck. He was in heaven. Afterwards we invited Grandpa Huber over for some dinner, and cake and ice cream. For dinner I made an imitation of Costa Vida pork burritos, yum yum! (The only things I need to be completely happy in Vernal are a Costa Vida, and a Costco. I miss those burritos!)
This was Parker's cake. Chocolate sour cream. It is soooo good, we have it for every family birthday!
Grandpa Huber gave Parker this cute little chair and his very own "shee-shee poo" (fishing pole) so now he doesn't have to share Daddy's pole!
We gave Parker a bike, which of course the boys had to get out their tools to adjust.
The smallest size of helmet we could find was 3+. A little too big I think.
So, we may have jumped the gun on the whole bike thing, because he totally doesn't get how to pedal it, but he loves to have us push him around, and is so excited to have his very own big boy bike. Funny enough, he loves the helmet too, and wears it a lot.
Then for the weekend Grandma and Poppy Smith came out to celebrate. They brought the boys these super cool matching diggers. Parker LOVES diggers and points them out whenever we drive by a construction site. Andrew's birthday is the 26th, so Grandma couldn't bear not to have a present for him too. It worked out great. They don't have to be jealous of each other, because they both have one!
My sweet baby! I need to stop calling him baby though......seeing as how he's about to turn 1.

Okay, I'm a proud momma. Maybe that was way too many digger pictures, but my boys are so cute I couldn't help it!
We had more cake and ice cream with Grandma and Poppy. Parker enjoyed Poppy's ice cream more than his cake. He loves to share.
Okay, this is a really bad picture of us, but while Grandma and Poppy were here, we took them to the drive in movie, and I wanted evidence. Just another thing I love about living in a small town like Vernal. The drive in movie is so fun! I tried to get pictures of the boys sleeping in the back of the truck, but it was too dark.
And, we're really hoping that Grandpa Huber is planning on giving Andrew a chair too for his birthday..... we need another one! I should have got more pictures of the boys with their grandparents, but can you blame me?! They're so cute!! Happy Birthday Parker! We love you so much and we're glad to have you in our family! We are so proud of you and what a big boy you're becoming. You're a fabulous big brother for Andrew!


Matt & Emily said...

What a fun birthday! Looks like you had a great time! We had so much fun with you guys while we were there!

shea said...

Hi Katie!
I can't believe how cute and big Parker and Andrew are! Has it really been that long since I've seen you?!? I am glad you guys are liking Vernal and I hope I get to see you soon! Happy Birthday to both your boys :)