August 3, 2008

The Big Boy Bed

We finally got Parker into a big boy bed! YAY! I thought the whole process would be a nightmare, so we've had the bed for a few months, but just haven't really done anything about it. But, Andrew has been sleeping in a bassinette, and then the pack 'n' play his whole life and I thought it would be nice for him if he could be in the crib by his first birthday. So, to make things as fun as possible, we got this canopy at IKEA. We took Parker there looking for beds, and he didn't want to look at any except the one that had this. Then I ordered some sheets online and made a big deal when the package came. He helped me make the bed and then I took down the pack 'n' play and told him that it was broken so Andrew needed the "baby bed" and that Parker would be sleeping in the big boy bed. I was still a little nervous about it, but for no reason. When I put him to bed that night, Andrew was already in the crib. I started picking up toys in case Parker got out of bed in the night, and I asked Parker to help. When I turned around he was already laying in his big boy bed, and we've never had any trouble! Even naps have been great. So here's some cute pictures of the boys playing on the bed. Honestly I think it won't be long before Andrew wants one too. He loves it!

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