July 17, 2008

Mommy Moments

So, just to warn those of you who don't like poop stories..... this is one of those. Don't worry though, no pictures this time. So the other day, I had one of those crazy days with the boys that made me want to tear my hair out, until I could look back and laugh. It started with the boys pulling a glass jar of applesauce out of the cupboard and shattering it on the floor, while I was trying to make breakfast. So, then I decided to put Drew in the jumperoo to keep him out of trouble while I was occupied. A little while later, Parker says, "Mama....baby poop toes." I looked over and sure enough, Andrew had pooped, and the jumperoo squished it out of his diaper and down his legs. The best part was, with every jump he was mashing it into the rug. So, I had to take him up to the tub, and threw Parker in for good measure. They splashed so much it looked like a tsunami had hit our bathroom. I got them out, and dressed, and thought that since we were in their room I should pick up some toys. While I had my back turned Andrew snuck out and Parker came running up, "Mama, baby uh-stairs! baby uh-stairs!" Thank goodness that boy watches out for his brother, Drew was attempting to go downstairs by himself. At first I was so frustrated, thinking what else could happen today?! But then Baby Drew smiled at me and melted my heart, and made me feel bad for being mad at all, (plus thinking about him possibly falling down the stairs and being seriously hurt, put all the little things in perspective). Crazy boys!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

If I could only count how many mornings that I've had like that! I've considered just giving up trying to keep our house clean. Crazy boys!