June 7, 2008

Potty Training Day #1

So, yesterday was the first day of potty boot camp. My plan was to let Parker wear undies, (as I've been instructed to call them by Brandon) and let him see that it's uncomfortable to wet himself. Thus far, he's pooped on the potty really well, but didn't care if his diaper was wet. We started with a pull-up, to avoid a mess. The pull-up didn't even last five minutes before it was wet. So I decided that maybe it felt too much like a diaper, and we switched to training pants, (really thick undies). He thought they looked cool. This was the outfit he decided to wear for the big day. He could tell something exciting was going on, and he wanted to look good.

His "py-ya" shirt, Andrew's hat, and the undies.

Looking good! The first pair of undies lasted another five minutes. I thought, maybe this is just too exciting, and he wanted to see what it was like to make them wet. So, we tried another pair. This one lasted about ten minutes. After each of these failed attempts to stay dry I asked Parker if he wanted to sit on the potty, and every time the answer was an adamant "NO!" We gave it one more try, and this pair actually lasted about twenty five minutes. When he wet hismelf he was standing in the kitchen and watched it run all over and then he wanted to sit on the potty. I thought we were getting somewhere, but now I was out of undies, (the second package I had bought was the wrong size). So back in a pull-up we go. At least he thought the pull-ups were cool, he called them undies too. They stayed dry for a lot longer, but then he had a poop in them, and has refused to sit on the potty since. I think he's trying to tell me that he will do this potty thing at his own pace. So, I've decided that I'll just be grateful that for the most part, he poops on the potty, and leave it up to him. He's not quite two yet, so even that is pretty good, I think. We'll let it rest for now!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I would say...absolutely! I feel like we faught Sam forever on potty training. He seemed interested in it and we felt like he should be able to do it because he did it sometimes and so he knew how, etc etc. We tried many different methods, but it just came down to him being ready to do it. He's pretty much 100% now (with the exception of still perfecting night-time) and, honestly, it was pretty easy to do once he was ready for it. I would totally say- Don't push it. Sam would just start resisting and regressing if we did. Anyway, that's just my two bits! Good luck!