May 30, 2008

Potty Talk

So.....Parker is potty training!! I can't believe it. This was totally his idea. I wasn't even going to think about this until 2 1/2 or so.....(he won't even be 2 until July) but he seemed interested, so I figured that it would probably go better if it was his idea. He loves it! He's doing so well. We haven't pushed it too hard yet, he still wears diapers, but he's getting to where pretty much every time he has a poop it's on the potty, and every time he sits on the potty he puts something in. This next week we're going to get some pull-ups and training pants and hit it hard. I think he's ready for it. We've had two or three weeks of casual "You want to sit on the potty now?" and he always does. He's got a really cute baseball potty seat, and every time he goes potty he gets a sticker with the Salt Lake Temple on it, (he picked them out). His favorite part is the flush. Sometimes we have to flush before we even sit on the potty to get the excitement out. So, wish us luck this week! Any tips would be appreciated!


Bryce said...

This is so funny. How exciting! I love that he wants to flush it before he gets on.

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Matt & Emily said...

Congrats on the potty training! Now that I've got Jack done, I'm ready to move on to Ry! I guess I better wait a bit since she just started walking this week! And I can't believe Drew, since he was so little last time we saw him. He's a big boy, and he is so dang cute!