May 30, 2008

Kate's Current Faves

If anyone is looking for the most fabulous exercise video ever.......I've found it. Jillian Michaels, (yeah, the butt-kicker from the Biggest Loser) Biggest Winner videos. I've recently checked out two of them from the library, Shape Up Front, and Shape Up Backside. This is seriously, the best workout I've ever gotten from a video. If I was dilligent and doing them every day like I keep saying I'm going to, I'd have some drastic before and after pictures to show you. As it is, I've been lazy lately, so I don't. But when I do this workout it feels awesome. To give you an idea.....Brandon tried one of them the other day, and I thought he was going to puke when he finished it. So now that I've told you about this, I guess I better get on it and get to where I can show you all a good results picture!

And, if anyone is looking for a good book to read......I've been reading the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Series by Alexander McAll-Smith. Just a nice quick and easy light-hearted read about a woman that starts a detective agency in Botswana.

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