January 17, 2008

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, it was more fun with the Smith family. We started out the day with family pictures. I can't believe how much we've grown! Since the last family picture, we've added 5 new grandkids! Then we headed back to Grandma and Poppy's for food, fun and presents. Bear with me, I put my pictures on in a funky order, and didn't feel like taking the time to fix it......my internet time is precious these days. Here's the boys in their cute Christmas jammies! Grandma got everyone matching ones.....all the babies had these cute red ones, and the big kids had green ones.

This is Andrew rolling around in the paper. That was one of his highlights for the day.

He also got in some quality time with Scout, my brother's dog. We had a housefull, but it was so much fun! I wish we could have a dog. The boys loved "Scou" as Parker called him.
The big kids all got a "Wii" from Grandma and Poppy. This is Nate and Poppy playing the boxing game. It was so fun to watch! Nate actually got a little western at one point and was going so crazy the controller slipped out of his hand and hit the TV. It was hilarious.
The kids all got to make cookies for Santa, and Nate even let us help him set out his magic reindeer food in the snow. That's how Santa knew to stop here in Utah, and not in Phoenix for him.
Grandma with the two cutest boys ever!This is Jack playing with Parker's new vacuum. That was the greatest present EVER! I can finally get my own vacuuming done, now that I don't have to let Parker help me push it....I just tell him "ready...go!" and we race to do the room together. Jack thought it was pretty great too.
Lex and Syd playing the "High School Musical" karaoke game on the wii.
Syd and Bailey ganging up on Poppy.
These two girlies had lots of fun playing together! They're only about a month and a half apart in age. They just turned four. Bailey in November, and Syd the day after Christmas. She's so glad to be four, and will tell you all about it.
And, another cute picture of Andrew.
What a fun day! It's always good to be with family!

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