October 8, 2007

Family Fun

My brother and his family were up for the weekend, and although Parker was sick, and we didn't get to see them much, we did get to make a trip to the pumpkin patch in Vineyard today before they left. It was so much fun! The kids had a great time. We love our cousins! There were lots of fun things to do and see. Lexi and Nate guided us through the corn maze where there were lots of funny Halloween jokes, and three hidden friends that we got a prize for finding......Wilma the Witch, Stitch the Scarecrow, and Percival the Pumpkin.
Jack, Nate, Parker, Lexi, Sydney, and Bailey

Don't forget Riley too!


At the end of the corn maze, there were these fun cutouts to pose with.

Sydney, (the bat) Lexi, and Nate

Syd, Lexi, and Bailey

There were also lots of fun animals to see,
(Parker tried to get in the goat pen when he saw a gate unlocked!)

And fun toys to climb on

After all that, Grandma and Poppy Smith let everyone pick their own pumpkin to take home.

Parker admired the decorations! Thanks Grandma and Poppy for a fun day! It's always good to be with family! We love you!


Matt & Emily said...

We had a blast with you guys and love your little guys! Thanks for blogging so my parents can see cute pictures of my kids!!

Grandma said...

I have the cutest grandkids in the whole world and had a blast at pumpkin land.

Thanks guys.