October 5, 2007

How sad!

So, I had the saddest night ever so far as a mom last night. Parker was sick throwing up for the first time. It broke my heart! He had no idea what was going on, and would look at me with these sad puppy dog eyes. It took lots of tubbies, PJ's and sheet changes, but I finally got him settled down around 12:30.....to have him wake up again at 4:30. Luckily my parents are close, (since Brandon can't be around during the week) so around 6:30, they brought over some pedialyte and my Dad gave him a blessing. After that he finally settled down and took two three-hour naps today! I figured he was feeling better when he wanted to jump on the couch and tickle my belly tonight. The other thing that made it hard, was that Andrew woke up to eat at 3:00 a.m., and didn't sleep much during Parker's naps. But, I have to admit, I felt so bad for Parker that I wasn't even worried about my lack of sleep. It was just so sad to watch, I wanted to cry with him. It was hard not to be able to explain it to him, and tell him what I was doing to try and make it better. It's amazing to care so much about someone that you'd rather be sick yourself than watch them go through it. Even though it was a rough night, it made me realize how glad I am to be a mom, and how lucky I am to have these two wonderful boys that I would do anything for!


Hannah said...

Oh Katie! This is so sad! I was about to cry just reading it. I totally have been there. The poor little guys just don't know what's going on and just look to you to make it better. It's heartbreaking.

Ashlee said...

I too can completely relate! But the good news is eventually they can talk and then you can work through things like this better. As an added bonus you get to start hearing all their hillarious little comments about life :) Has parker started to say anything?