October 3, 2007

Haircut Party

As well as cutting Andrew's hair tonight, we had my cousin Cristie and her little boy Kole over to cut his and Parker's. Parker had his first haircut at three weeks old, (he had as much as Andrew did) and has had one every month since. I had always done it myself, until last time. It was getting to be a wrestling match between us to make him hold still. So last month I enlisted the help of Cristie. I alligator wrestled him to the ground and she cut. It worked out well, and the boys had fun playing, so we decided to make it a date again this month. I don't know if Parker was just tired from playing so hard, or if he had to be a "big boy" in front of Kole, (who always sits well for a haircut) but he was an angel this time! It was so funny to see him sit there quietly for a change!

After the haircuts, we had to give the boys a bath. They had a great time playing together...

...until Parker got mad about having to share the water spout and his toys with Kole.
Needless to say, it was getting close to bedtime for both of them. Thanks for the fun night Cristie and Kole!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Boy that sure brings back memories of Cristie and Katie....

Cute boys