August 30, 2014

Boys' Night

As much as I hate to see my boys grow up, it has been so much fun to hang out with them lately. Every once in a while we give them the opportunity to stay up late with Mom and Dad. Sometimes it's to watch a big kid movie; the new Karate Kid was a big hit, (and I personally can't wait to have a Back to the Future night). Other times it's to play games that the sisters just aren't big enough for yet. Their absolute favorite is Monopoly. It is a miracle that this game has made a reappearance in our house; Brandon and I played it once as newlyweds and I vowed never again! My husband is a bit cutthroat about his games. But for these two....well that's a different story. 
Yes, that is a tupperware of raw cookie dough to snack on! 
These two are hilarious!! They're sure to call out, "Chancellors!" when a chance space is landed on, to tell you that, "Things are getting hairy in here!" when the game is getting serious, to remind you that you own the "Body Odor railroad" if you have the B&O, and they each have their favorite spaces that they will always hold out for. Parker loves Boardwalk and Park Place to a fault. He'll get most of the way through a game with only a few properties holding out for the big ones. If those can't be had he loves Tennessee Ave, (pronounced tuh-KNEE-tsee, don't ya know?) and Marvin Gardens, (MAH-ven GAH-dens).  Drew loves S-T Charles place and S-T James place. He also loves to be a railroad man.
They can also be persuaded to play Apples to Apples Jr. but this game is the clear fave. They're so much fun to play with that I don't mind it too much anymore. I love that they're learning to win and lose nicely, (for the most part) and to handle tasks like being the banker. I've been thinking it would be awesome to come across the old version of the game PayDay to teach them some money management skills as well. Life skills aside, just having a good time is great too!


Ashlee said...

Yay for game nights! We do that with our older boys too! Our current favorites are Ticket to Ride, Dixit, and Word on the Street. Corey and I are turning into real gamers (actual games with pieces, cards, boards and the like... none of this online gaming business, mind you.) Did I ever mention tell you that?

Anyhow... I bet your boys would like Ticket to Ride. It's got components that are similar to Monopoly. Fun, fun!

Ashlee said...

Oh! We also highly recommend Labyrinth. Google it. It's great fun!

Corey and I try and find games that WE actually enjoy playing with them. All the ones we listed are fun for adults and kiddos alike!

Pokemon said...

Luke loves monopoly too! We have a deal that it gets played at least once a month! So fun!