September 5, 2012


Parker recently discovered the old Transformers on Netflix. Needless to say the boys are hooked. They can even sing the entire opening theme song. ;)  They've also for some reason been getting really excited about Halloween for over a month now.  So when we saw some Transformers costumes on sale online?  Forget about it.  You all know I can't resist my online shopping!  Parker insisted that his Bumblebee costume be from "Transformers Prime."  He wasn't even willing to look and see what the others were like after he saw that line.  So if you need help fighting decepticons, give us a call!  Optimus and Bumblebee would be glad to help out!  I know I feel safer already.


Ashlee said...


My boys are already talking about Halloween too!


Brit said...

Perfect! Max is dying over their costumes. He is totally into transformers too.