March 18, 2012


This weekend we discovered another Wichita treasure.  Botanica, The Wichita Gardens.  Coolest family fun place EVER.  They have acres and acres of beautiful gardens.  This month the tulips are blooming and they had a "tulips and fairies" theme.  Families could come and explore the gardens, participate in a scavenger hunt for fun facts about tulips, and have some fairy themed fun in the children's garden.  Now, all of the gardens were cool, and we stopped in several places along the way to enjoy the view and one another's company.  But the children's garden was A-MAZING.  Below you'll see just some of the fun we had there.
All of the kids, but the girls especially loved this little playhouse.
Drew showing off the necklace he made in the craft barn.
Right outside this playhouse was an area that I'm sure is going to be a big hit in the summer.  There's all these water features and pumps that weren't turned on yet for the season, but we were told that kids are welcome to come ready to play and get wet!  We can't wait to come back and see that.
This huge tree house had lots of fun climbing and sliding.

There was a "music maze" with musical instruments to try out.

And another favorite, the "butterfly garden".  This cute caterpillar had little doors on the back for the littles to find fun treasures in.
The cocoon opened up to reveal a butterfly ready to take flight.
Ladybugs circled the garden.
Lots of room to relax and play and enjoy for awhile.
And apparently if you stay long enough you start to sprout wings. ;)  (Found in the giant caterpillar.)

We sat in this one cute little part of the children's garden for at least a good hour and then enjoyed a little story time before taking our leave at the end of the day.  The time just flew by.  It was some of the most fun we've had as a family in a long time.  We'll definitely be going back.  And for spending the whole afternoon, we didn't even get to see all of the gardens.  More to look forward to for next time.  I'm thinking it will be breathtaking here in a couple of months when everything is in full bloom.  And in June we can visit the butterfly house.  We are loving all that there is to do here!


Mindy said...

What a fun place! It's good to see your cute kids. :)

Ashlee said...

Oh wow! What a treasure! It sounds amazing! I will look forward to hearing more about that place! Nice pictures too friend ;)

I am loving all of these updates and I really hope there is one featuring Emma soon! In fact, I am formally requesting it. So there you have it. If not a post... a picture. :) I love seeing all of the other kiddos though. Your boys are so handsome and your girls so sweet! Fun to see you and Brandon too!

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

What a neat place! I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying yourselves. Wish they had that cool stuff here.