January 5, 2012

The Look

You're going to see a lot of Claire posts over the next little while.  What can I say, she's in a funny phase right now!  Lately she's been giving us lots of crusty looks.  Like she'll trip and fall and then look back at you like, "Hey!  What'd you do that for?!"  Or you'll tell her she can't eat garbage and she'll give you the look.  Or you'll kiss her and she'll give you the look.  Or she'll just give it to you for the heck of it.  Because apparently she's going to run headlong into being a two year old six months early.  Anyway, I think her crusty looks are hilarious and these pics are my attempt to capture it.
In these two she knew what I was trying to do...as soon as the camera came out it was more forced.
This is a lot closer to the real thing, but with tears mixed in.  I guess it's rough to be the fourth of five.  ;)
(And yes for those who are wondering, we now have a TV again.  The kids -and Dad- got a Wii for Christmas and so naturally Dad had to get a nice new TV to go with it.  Boys....)


CarrieLu and Madi too said...

I love little kid crusty looks, so funny! She's a cutie! We have a wii too, they're lots of fun.

Ashlee said...

Oh she is at such a fun age! I look forward to many more Claire posts!