January 4, 2012

In the Land of Pretend

At our house most of the time, reality is optional.  Heck, pants are optional.  Naps....NOT OPTIONAL.  But I digress....  Even as I type this post Andrew is in the next room shouting, "I'm on the volcano and I'm DYING!"  Really I don't know where they get their flair for the dramatic.  ;)  The girls' most favorite form of pretend play lately is to dress up.  Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen.
How much is that doggy in the window?  Ruff ruff!  I love how in this next one she decided to get all serious about that paper in her hands.  Must have been important business.
As has been stated before Paige loves to be Rapunzel.  And since she got this dress for Christmas she has really only taken it off to sleep, eat, and occasionally to leave the house.
She will share certain princess items with sister once in a while.  When she's feeling magnanimous.
I had the cutest pictures of the girls in their princess slippers...but alas, blogger is not my friend tonight.  I was doing good to get these up.  Grrrr blogger!!!


Mindy said...

I DO want to know how much that doggie in the window is... I must buy one for myself! :) So cute!!!

Ashlee said...

Loved this post! I think my favorite thing about it though was the first paragraph. I could hear my best friend talking and it was so fun! You always make me laugh :)

Darling, darling, darling puppy and princess you have there madam!