December 10, 2011

Zoom Zoom

Daddy introduced the boys to a new hobby recently.  We're now obsessed with model rockets at our house.  They built their rockets from kits a few weeks ago but due to the weather, (and life) we had to wait a few weeks to actually launch them.

Today was the perfect day.  It was a smidge cold, but it was sunny and there was almost no wind.  So we bundled up and headed to the park. 

Here's Parker with his rocket the "Gnome" on the launcher ready to go.

Pressing the all-important launch button.

And a thumbs up after "rocket recovery."

Andrew and the "Firehawk" ready for takeoff.

They were oh so serious about getting to push that button!

Drew with his recovered rocket.

An action "blastoff!" shot for Parker.

Drew's blastoff.  Err....almost.  You can see the smoke where the engine is igniting, but it hadn't lifted yet.

I think this is going to be a really fun hobby for the boys and their Daddy to pursue together.  What boy doesn't love all things that zoom?


Mindy said...

That is so cute!! What a fun thing for them to do together. I love the pics. :)

Brit said...

Oh how fun! I bet they were little boy heaven! Brandon too lol.

Unknown said...

What a fun hobby! Thanks for the one you gave Talton for his birthday. He is excited to use it! We will have to call you sometime after the new year to come use the launching gear.