November 5, 2011

A Good Day at Wal-Mart

So I know I complain often about the silly and rude things people say to me when I'm out and about with my kiddos. Today I'm going to try and balance that out with some really nice things that happened. I honestly had the most pleasant time at Walmart today. And on a Saturday of all days! Of course the store was crazy busy, but for once I didn't get any crusty looks or rude comments. I got lots of smiles, lots of compliments, and lots of offers for help. One lady even offered to push one of my carts for me throughout the store as her husband was there to push her own. (One cart was full of kids, the other with groceries. Push one, pull one. I do this when it's too cold for the baby to be carried in the snugly and I want to leave her in her carseat.) While I politely declined the offer as I'm used to doing this and it's really not as crazy as it looks, (or maybe I'm just used to it?) I secretly wanted to give her a big hug for asking instead of criticizing me. Maybe I should have. Lady, if you're out there, know that the gesture meant a lot. Then out in the parking lot the missionaries pushed one of the carts to the car for me. This was a big hit with the boys by the way. Missionaries at our house are akin to superheroes. :)

Of course, the overall mood of the trip was helped by the fact that they had some sort of "toyland" kickoff going in the toy department. Gearing up for Christmas I guess; anyway they were passing out free cupcakes and these cute facemasks to all the kids. Anyone who knows me knows a free cupcake goes a long way toward making me smile. It's not going to get me to drag my kiddos through the toy department with a catalog and a highlighter and it's certainly not going to influence how many toys I buy them for Christmas.....but I do love a good cupcake.

Here's the kiddos sporting their masks:
At first I couldn't get Andrew in on the photo action. But when he saw how much fun these two were having, he had to join in.

Another thing that made me smile? 50% off snowgear at Kmart later in the afternoon. Seriously?! I never get that lucky. I hate to shop around. To walk in, find exactly what I needed and get a great deal? It put the cherry on top today.


Mindy said...

Wow! That IS an amazing day! Good shopping experiences are few and far between. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh it just makes me cringe to think of going to Walmart on a Saturday! I'm so glad you had a good experience! Sounds like a good day!

galleygrapevine said...

Wow, I'm impressed! I hated taking kids to the store and would find any way NOT to have to drag them with me. You are AMAZING!!
If you ever decide you need to go to the store by yourself, give me a call. I will keep your kids for you. :)

Brit said...

you are seriously Super Mom. Like that is what your superhero name would be. I need you to come give me lessons on how to make it through Walmart with my 2 boys... never mind the fact that you have 5. I miss you!!! I'm so glad we got to see each other while I was in Utah.