July 6, 2011

4th of July Fun

I'm bummed that I'm so horrible at taking pictures. If it weren't so blurry this would be a really awesome shot of Drew taking a superman into the pool on the 4th.
We had a great holiday. We had a patriotic breakfast of crepes with strawberries, (red) whipped cream, (white) and blueberries, (blue). Then we watched the parade, came home to play in the pool, napped and otherwise spent the afternoon lazily and then watched the fireworks that night. After these small town holidays, I honestly don't know if I could go back to the big city celebrations where you have to camp out for days to get a decent spot at the parade, or fight horrible traffic for the fireworks. We walk two blocks from our house half an hour before it starts to enjoy the parade, and we can watch the fireworks from our own front yard. Love it. Love it, love it. And yes, we did enjoy a BBQ. With veggie burgers. Brandon loves it. ;)

This year was the first year we let the kids stay up for the fireworks. Drew actually begged to go to bed about 15 minutes before they started. Poor kid was wore out from all the fun! Parker and Paige loved it though - after Paige pulled her face out from behind her blankie. Parker turned to me a few minutes into the fireworks and said, "Wow! This day is really working out for me!"


Brit said...

hahaha! I laughed out loud when I saw this picture of Drew. So so so funny! And I loved that Parker thoroughly enjoyed his day :-) You have to call me before the baby comes! We have so much to catch up on.

Ashlee said...

Doesn't look blurry to me! What a good action shot!

Your 4th sounds lovely. Ours was a little too jam-packed. Sometimes the slow and relaxed days are the very best ones. So jealous you could watch the fireworks from HOME!

Cal and Whit said...

I agree with ash, the pic looks awesome! Sounds like you guys had a blast, looks like it too! Also....is it true, your little counter says 40 weeks and 0 days pregnant...today!! Huzzah!! I cant wait to see sweet baby girl when she gets here!! much love from me!