February 28, 2011


The news is officially in!!
To be honest.....we were surprised. There was so much boy talk going around, we kind of just thought it would be so. Of course we're thrilled. Although Parker did say, "Mom! You tricked me! And I already have 5 sisters!" We had picked out a boys name and were calling the baby by it. And apparently he thought that exaggerating the circumstances made his point better. ;)

Anyway, all I could do was laugh. We are so thrilled....and now we're on the name hunt since we hadn't really considered girls' names yet. We'll keep you posted.

Here's a few more pics of our sweet baby girl. Ah......that just sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

They had a hard time getting shots of her face straight on because her hand was in the way. Gee.....wonder if she's going to be a thumb or finger sucker like her sisters?

So the lucky winners of the poll are my sister and Jen! The only two who voted girl. ;) You'll have to settle with the satisfaction of being smarty pantses, cause I don't have a prize....but you know I love you.


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you!!! Looks like a beautiful healthy little lady!

Paige said...

Yea, congrats! So I am interested in hearing what name you choose since our families have a few similarities already. I have a few names picked out for down the road, for all we know we'll be matchy, matchy. Good luck with all and again Congrats!

Unknown said...

I am so excited that it is another girl! I love that the sisters are going to be close together in age and everything!!! Hopefully they will all grow up to be the best of friends!
As for a name I am thinking you should go with 'Addison' since we are both same-o same-o on Paige! :)

Brit said...

Love the ultrasound pics! I can't wait to see another cute little Morgan girl! And I am such a loser for not calling you.... sorry. I promise I will soon! Love ya!