January 12, 2011

Are You Jealous?

Don't you LOVE the new awesomeness that is my blog? Yeah, my husband did that. He IS that cool. Remember a while ago, when my blog was somewhat cute and I mentioned that he accidentally deleted my template? And of course, you know how "meh" it's been lately....but I think this TOTALLY makes up for it. Seriously, I've never seen a cooler blog for just your casual family blogger. Heck, most of the pro blogs I read don't look this cool. So expect some updates, fast and furious like, because with a blog this cool you know I'm going to be on more often. And yes, I am the luckiest wife ever. ;) He's all mine ladies!!


Ashlee said...

NICE! I especially love the little tabbies at the top for about, recipes etc. VERY cute!

Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

It does look beautiful. How did he do it? I want to do something a little cooler for mine.

katers said...

To spill the beans...;)
He found an already made template doing a google search....I think it was called tavartti? And then he's just nerdy enough to know html code to the point where he could change the background and header, (which we got from shabby blogs) and tweak a few other things.