August 6, 2010

Growing......Or Not

I took my girls, (can I just say that I LOVE saying "my girls"?!) to the doctor today for checkups. The stats are in:

Princess P at 15 months weighs 18 lbs. 10 oz. and is 26.5 inches tall. That is still less than the 5th percentile. When she was last weighed at 10 months she weighed 14 lbs. So here we've been thinking that she looks so big to us lately.....and really she's not. But she's healthy and happy and way too smart for her own good, (and mine). So no worries. The cutest thing she's doing lately? When you ask her where her nose, eyes, ears or mouth are, she'll point to them. Okay, maybe not if you ask her. She's pretty shy about showing off her tricks. And she blows kisses; those she will share freely. Gotta love that.

The C Bear at three weeks weighs 8 lbs. 2 oz. and is still 19 inches long. Woot woot! Way to grow girl! That puts her at an average weight for her age and the 10th percentile for height. A little more along the lines of what I'm used to. To be honest, I bet our little Bear passes up her sister in size quickly. Her feet are seriously almost as big as Princess'. It makes me a little sad though. It was so fun that Princess stayed in her newborn clothes for so long. C Bear is already growing out of them and I just want to tell her to STOP! Can't just one of them stay my baby forever?

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