April 28, 2010

Can You Believe It?

Time goes by WAY too fast!
A year ago we were snuggling this sweet thing:
..and now she's all grown up. Lucky for us she's still just as sweet!

She keeps us on our toes though. She's walking all over the place finally! She's had the ability to walk pretty much since Christmas, but didn't really decide to take off until Easter. Try and catch her now!
This girl has got brothers to keep up with. And she sure does a good job of it. I don't know why I keep trying to make her girly, (I hated girly things when I was little) but I just love dressing her in her cute little dresses and her patent leather shoes everyday....and what does she do? Get out in the dirt with her brothers, digging and driving trucks and scuffing up those pretty little shoes. I love it. And oh boy, do her brothers love her. Even though they let her in on their fun, they treat her like the princess. I've decided she may have a harder time with this next baby than the boys because she's so used to being spoiled!

We had all sorts of plans for the big birthday this year. P Doodle wanted to have balloons, and Mom was going to make a purple butterfly cake, but this picture will show you how Princess P and I felt about celebrating without our Daddy. Daddy has been working out of town lately, and it just felt wrong to have a birthday without him, so we chose a visit over a party after her failed birthday breakfast and drove to see our Daddy!
When we got back though, P Doodle seemed to think that it just wasn't fair not to have cake, so he requested a pink birthday cake for his sister. He even helped me make it.

It was pretty cute, after I took this picture, P Doodle asked me, "Mom, are you going to take a picture of me on my birthday?" and I said, "Sure. I'll even take a picture right now if you want." His reply was, "No, boys don't have pink cake. When it's my birthday I'll have a green cake." So per his request, I won't shame him with a picture of him on the world wide web with pink cake.

Happy Birthday Princess! We love you!


Mindy said...

I really can't believe it... this year has definitely flown by. She is the sweetest cutest thing!

Ashlee said...

I sitll think it's SO sweet that she is so aware of Brandon being gone and that she misses him. What a cutie! Happy Birthday Princess P! Also... that eldest child of yours is a hoot :)

ps- we need to talk soon... like more than just for 10 minutes.

Unknown said...

How sweet! I love daddy's little girls! Happy birthday!!!

Cal and Whit said...

Oh my goodness!! I loved this post! That Princess P is so absolutely adorable! Those piggy tails, and that smile! What a little sweetheart! I love that she keeps up with your boys and I love that they know what a little sweetheart she is. Also I have to say that I love that pic of her missing Brandon. What a girl! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!

Rach Romney said...

Happy Birthday to your Princess!! She is so cute!!