November 18, 2009

Catch Up

Today I am grateful: that all three of my kids nap at the same time everyday!

Usually I use it as a chance to catch up on housework, make dinner, or, let's be honest blogging, but today I got a nap! That rarely happens, and it was oh so nice. Usually when I try, Murphy's law kicks in and someone wakes up early or won't take a nap, or the phone rings, etc. But today I got a real nap in. It was great.

Since I'm behind a few days, here are a few other things I'm grateful for:
  • "nuggles" - what Babycakes calls snuggles.
  • good health for all of us - knock on wood.
  • dancing with my boys to Christmas music on Pandora. Best aerobic workout I've had since Jilian's "Shape Up front/backside" videos. And way more fun.

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