September 28, 2009

My Little Man

Well, I know that there are some of you out there who read this blog only to see pictures of my kids, and right about now you're all thinking, "Enough about you!" So here's an update on Parker. Last week, he decided that he wanted to wear his winter coat all day. For two days. He wanted to have it on so badly that anytime he was naughty the punishment was having to take his coat off. It worked like a charm. But I cannot believe he wore it that much. I made him take it off to eat, and both he and the coat were dripping wet every time I took it off. This picture was taken after he'd been running some laps around the wall that divides our kitchen and living room. Can you see the sweat glistening on his forehead?
Not to mention the flushed cheeks? Oh, but he was so proud to be wearing that. He did look pretty darn cute.

He's also decided lately that he wants to become a fisherman. Mostly because Daddy has gotten back into the habit recently. Brandon was out in our backyard casting his line the other day and Parker came running into the house, "Mom! Where's my fry pole?" (Meaning fly pole) "I need to go fishing with Daddy!" So we got out his little pole and he went out back to practice as well.

Oh, this boy loves his Daddy. Anything Daddy does, is something he loves to do as well.

Unfortunately, my little man is sick today. But I have to say, that while I hate watching my kids be sick, it's been a nice chance to take a break and get some things done around here. I stretched myself to the limit last week. Besides that, this afternoon he's been jumping on the couch asking for treats. I don't think he's feeling too terrible anymore.

1 comment:

Brit said...

That is too funny Parker wanted to wear is coat so much. Sorry he's sick. We have croup over here. fun fun!