September 5, 2009

Grocery Challenge Weeks 1 and 2

So....I just barely joined the grocery challenge, so I've already blown it, BUT I plan to make up for it. My husband is going to LOVE this. We always squabble over whether or not it's feasible to spend less than $100 a week on groceries. Until I found Owlhaven I thought not. But hey, if she can do it with 10 kids, I've got to be able to do it with my three right? Question though...I usually count anything I buy from Wal-mart, or whatever grocery store in my grocery budget.....diapers, cleaning supplies, whatever, (I'm not into separating everything out from the receipt). Does that count in this grocery challenge or not? I'm going to have to look into that. Anyway, full disclosure, I spent a total of $170.50 this week. Arghhh. I hope Brandon is not reading this. Like I said though, that total includes some cleaning supplies too. Also, we have company for the weekend, so I bought some extras that I normally wouldn't. However, I am positive that I can make it through this next week without buying a single thing between leftovers, and what we have in the pantry. So, making that a two week total, I'm only over so far by $25.50. I think I can make that up throughout the month. Wish me luck!

If you want to join the grocery challenge, click here!


Denise said...

Hi there, I asked Mary the same thing about cleaning supplies, she suggested that each person decide themselves. If you want to include stuff like that you may want to allow yourself $90 each week or $100? It doesn't have to be just $75 she said. I'm trying to stick with $75 because I only have one child and a small dog! I will just get one cleaning item or toothpaste or something each week and put it on my storage shelf.

Owlhaven said...

I'm over already too, but, like you, if I get through the next week without buying anything, I'll be back on track! We'll see how it goes!
