September 22, 2009

Grocery Challenge Week 4

We're almost there! September has gone by soooo fast. And so has my money! Actually, I'm doing so much better than I thought. At the end of last week, we were out of everything. I was going to allow myself to splurge a bit to stock up again, and actually have some nice meals, (it got a bit silly at the end of last week trying to "make do") but then I decided that I needed to make my best effort to really stay on budget. So, I made a moderate meal plan and went to the store armed with coupons. Are you ready for this? I used $3.25 in manufacturer's coupons, got a total of $13.16 in shopper's card savings, and then, (best of all) the store honored a gift certificate I had from three years ago that had been lost, and found only a few days ago worth $25.00. My total bill came to $99.87 but with the gift certificate my total was $74.87. I made it by the skin of my teeth! See the blessings that come from trying to live (more) within your means? We have truly been provided for as we've tried this experiment this month.

We've also learned the value of "home production". I've learned how to can this year, and the savings, (and quality) are soooo worth it. I know a lot of people say that your time is so valuable that it often isn't worth it, but I say either you have the money, or you don't........if you don't, your time is better used in saving the money. Besides, I love the satisfaction of having made something myself. It really makes me feel as if I'm taking an active part in providing for my family. I've also been gathering "recipes" for other homemade products besides food. For example: floor cleaner, and laundry soap. The floor cleaner has already saved us so much. For a small fraction of the price of prepared floor cleaner, I get a much larger amount that lasts longer and does just as good of a job. I'll have to keep you posted on the laundry soap. I was just barely able to find a store here that carries the required items, so I'll be making it this afternoon, and will have to keep you posted as to whether or not I like it, and if the savings are worth it.

One more thing.....a friend gave me a tidbit of advice this week that really hit home. In saving money, (as well as eating more healthy) every bit of "processing" adds to the price. For example, dry beans are cheaper than canned, although they require more preparation at home. Also any extra processing often decreases the quality of the product. Processing can decrease the nutritional value of foods, or add unnecessary preservatives and other "yuckies". Think how much tastier and better for you homemade bread is than store bought! I'm convinced that healthy living can be affordable if you're willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen!

This challenge has really opened my eyes this month, so thanks to Mary for putting it out there!


Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

Hi Katie!! Saw your comment on Apron Girls and came to check out your blog. Love the grocery challenges that you are going. I am trying to do the same. Hard, but great. Hope you don't mind me looking in.

Sha Nielson

Brit said...

Good job Katie! Now can you come show me? I REALLY miss you! I guess phone visits will have to do till Christmas.

Allie Z said...

just a random thought... have you checked out these blogs? Love love love them! Very inspiring with their budgets and family values. :) I'm thinking these + Mary's = my top 6 food & mom blogs.

katers said...

Thanks Allie! I'll be sure to check those out. Thanks for stopping in! And for the yogurt advice. ;)