September 14, 2009

Grocery Challenge Week 3

So, I think I'm going to make it in the grocery challenge! I succeeded last week in not spending any money to make up for the week before. I did a little shopping this morning and spent:
  • $15.00 on a box of diapers
  • $1.84 on syrup, (does anyone else go through that insanely fast?)
  • $1.82 on bananas at .39 lb. (a pretty good deal around here....I'm wishing I had bought more to dry into banana chips......but it's really not a good month for spending extra for us.)
  • $17.98 on cheese. Killer deal. Two 5 lb. bags of shredded cheese. Usually I spend about $15.00 for one 5 lb. brick of cheese. I had to snag this bargain and I'll separate it out into smaller bags to freeze for later.
  • $6.49 for toilet paper.
This brings the total for the week to $43.78. This will not only make up for the first week, but put me ahead by about 5 dollars, (whew!). I'm going to have to get creative for dinners this week. We have some leftover turkey that I can make turkey tetrazinni with, also some leftover soup that I made with some of that same turkey. I'm thinking we'll have bean burritos/tostadas another night, spaghetti and vegetables, and then I'll probably have to start using the potato reserves.....potato soup, baked potato bar, stuff like that. It might get interesting around here, but my husband is loving this. We've been trying to smash down some debt lately, and this is really contributing.


Hannah said...

It's really easy to make your own syrup. I make it and put it an old applesauce jar or other container with a lid. All you need is suger, water and "mapeline". I think a little jar of mapeline is maybe $2 or so? I haven't bought one for a while...they last me a long time. I grew up on homemade syrup. It's definitely the way to go and saves money too.

Brit said...

Way to go! I am so proud of you and your $ saving skills.