September 17, 2009

Grocery Challenge Update and Homemade Tortilla Help

I have to say that I'm really proud of how well I've stuck to the grocery challenge. We've run out of a lot of items this week that would normally be essentials for me, (bread, eggs, etc.) but I've decided that it was just a good opportunity to learn how to make do. I've gotten back to making homemade bread.... a habit that sadly I haven't been keeping up very well since Paige was born. I've realized this week that I can, (and should) be more self-reliant, and I've learned how to make things that I would usually always buy. Thanks to that and some generous neighbors sharing their garden bounty, I really haven't felt as pinched this week as I thought I would. One large bag of tomatoes a neighbor gave us made three delicious dishes. Spaghetti sauce, bruschetta, (that my husband liked so well he ate it for lunch alone) and salsa.

One of the things I learned how to make this week was tortillas. Ah.....tortillas. A staple at my house. I love how they can be part of any meal - breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Don't look too close at the picture....this was the very first batch.
To make these I used this recipe that I found after a quick google search. I was really excited about the fact that it called for only 2 t. of oil and no shortening. BUT......they tasted like flat baking powder biscuits. Not what I'm looking for in a tortilla. The texture was great, the dough was easy to handle, but I couldn't get over the flavor. Does anyone out there have a good recipe, that is as easy to make as these? I could google search again, but I thought that a recipe that came with a recommendation would be nicer than repeated trial and error by me. I would love to keep making homemade. It was so cheap and easy. Even if your recipe calls for shortening, send it on anyway. I'll get over it. I mean really, I just load them up with cheese anyway, so what's the point, right?


Anonymous said...

I hear ya on the homemade bread. I used to be so consistent. And then the thought of homemade bread made me gag when I was preggers with #4. And I haven't gotten back in the groove yet. No excuses - she is 10 months old!!! I wish I could help you with the tortillas - I don't like the way mine taste either : )!

Good luck with the challenge!

Jenna said...

OOPS!! That was me. I wasn't trying to be sly and anonymous - just too quick on the mouse : ).

Missy said...

Sorry no recipe here - the closest I get to homemade of any type of bread is frozen bread dough. Now if I could just remember to take it out of the freezer to thaw!

Carrie said...

I have only made Corn tortillas...I would love the recipe as well, so please share when you get a good one!

I am glad that you have received generous blessings from the overage of others!

Cal and Whit said...

I love Nie Nie's Whole Wheat tortillas They only have 2T of olive oil. They are quite tasty. I just have a hard time getting them as thin as I want without ripping holes in them. But they are good a little thicker too! :) (maybe you can give me some hints on how to get them thinner?!)