August 26, 2009

Four Month Stats

Paige had her four month check up on Monday. Here's the stats: She's 24 inches long and weighs in at 11 lbs. 1 oz. This puts her in just under the 50% for height and in the 5% for weight. She's sweet and petite! She is healthy and happy. She stopped sleeping through the night, so we started feeding her cereal, (baby oatmeal - my other babies had terrible constipation with rice cereal, so I didn't even go there this time). It has seemed to help a bit, but she still wakes up early in the morning. But who wouldn't mind waking up to this beautiful face, and her sweet smiles?

As I said before, she also rolls both ways, and takes quite an interest in toys for her age....she was pushing Andrew's tractor back and forth that was left in front of her the other night. She is super social, and cracks a big grin anytime anyone looks at her or talks to her. As Parker says, "I love this grill." And as Brandon says, "I just don't know what we'd do without her."

I've loved all of your comments that she "looks like a Morgan baby." She definitely fits our mold, doesn't she?


Brit said...

I love her and I can't wait to meet her at Christmas! She is such a cutie and I love that smile!

Cal and Whit said...

She is adorable!! Look at that darling little smile! What a precious little girl! Those little boys sound like such cute big brothers!