August 6, 2009

Birthday Boys

I am so is my attempt to catch up. The boys' birthdays were in July. Parker on the 9th and Drew on the 26th. Parker didn't have the usual celebration on his birthday, but he did get to hang out with his cousins in Park City that weekend. He and Jack were inseparable, and let me tell you......they are TROUBLE together! In the cutest way though. They were nice to each other, and LOVED playing together. We're just glad the home we stayed in didn't get burnt to the ground that weekend.
A parting shot of all the cousins, (sorry it's a little blurry). Nate was ticked about leaving, so he wouldn't smile. Everyone had so much fun!

Then, Grandma and Poppy came out to help us celebrate Drew's birthday. Well, really we celebrated both. These poor boys probably won't ever really get their own birthdays. On Parker's we opened presents from Grandmas and Grandpas, and on Drew's we opened presents from Mom and Dad so they could both have something to open. Grandma and Poppy came out for Andrew's birthday, and besides all of the 24th festivities that you've already seen, they took the boys to see the Dinosaurland Visitor's Center, (I think? I'm not sure of the name). They got to see the digging site, and some cool scenery complete with hieroglyphics.

On the way home, they got an ice cream cone. By the way, for some reason Parker has lately been calling them "pine cones". So they had "pine cones at the fry-fry", (McDonald's).

Yeah, you can tell they enjoyed those.

Then, of course we had chocolate cake to celebrate that evening.

Cute, huh?

So since Parker turned 3, I will tell you 3 things I LOVE about him right now.
1. How helpful he is. He loves to make breakfast, empty the dishwasher, and set the table. And, of course do any big boy work outside with Daddy.
2. The way he comes in to snuggle every morning before we all get out of bed, (even if he does wake me up early and after a few minutes orders me to get up and make breakfast because he is "starvin' marvin").
3. The way he loves his Daddy. The other day he told me that he was Daddy's boy. Then he said that I could be Daddy's boy too.

Andrew turned 2, but I will list 3 things anyway. It seems appropriate.
1. His "little boyishness". I think Parker skipped that stage and went right to big boy. Andrew loves to snuggle, and although he likes to get in on the big boy action once in a while, he's content to hang out with Mom.
2. His "words". And the songs he "sings". He sings "roun and roun.......ahhh ooo a tow!" (That's round and round, all through the town in case you couldn't tell.) He also loves to say, "cah....beep beep...." and then makes the noise of a car while driving one across his belly.
3. His happiness, and self-control. This kid is almost never sad. Really. And he usually only throws a fit for a good reason, and then he'll go to his room, shut the door and calm himself down. When he's ready to come out and be happy, he'll knock to be let out. He comes out with the biggest smile in the world. I love it. If only Parker handled himself that way......some day.
It's amazing how different they are already. I have to say though, I love them all the more for their differences. They are both so special and bring important dynamics to our family.
Love you boys! Happy Birthdays!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it all..............