June 23, 2009

Two Month Stats

Sweet Baby Paige turned two months on Sunday. We went to the doctor on Monday and here's the stats: 9 lbs. even and 21 1/4 inches long. She's growing well, (for her size) and is the perfect baby! She sleeps well, and is always so happy. It's just funny to have such a petite little baby after the boys. They've always been like 90th percentile for weight, and she's in the 10th or 15th, I can't remember for sure.
So.....how are we all adjusting to the third baby in three years? Great. We all feel that she is definitely supposed to be in our family now. She adds so much, and is teaching her brothers a thing or two about tenderness. They are so good with her. They love to hold her and kiss her and give her toys. I just wish that this would spill over into their treatment of each other. :) Sure, things are more crazy now. Trips to the library are on hiatus for a bit, unless Brandon can come with, or one of the kids can go play with a friend because I just can't juggle the double stroller, the snuggli and the library books all by myself. But, I can still make it through the grocery store with all of the kids, (yay for Smith's and their "tiny carts" as Parker calls them). Parker pushes his own cart while I push Andrew in another, with Paige in the snuggli. This keeps Parker occupied, Andrew stuck, and Paige happy long enough to get what we need. Life is good at our house!


shea said...

She is seriously so cute Katie! All of your kids are and I can't believe their hair! I hope to see you in a few weeks :)

Hannah said...

We LOVE tiny carts! That's what my boys call them too. How great, huh? I love that you're blogging again... keep it up!